вторник, 17 марта 2015 г.

Natural Allergy Relief – Air Purifying House Plants

Natural Allergy Relief – Air Purifying House Plants
all natural allergy relief
Within the walls of our modern homes today lurk toxins that are negatively impacting our health.

Benzene, trichloroethylene and formaldehyde, are just a few of those toxins that could lead to serious health issues like asthma, cancer and any number of allergies. The most concerning of these toxins is Formaldehyde which is found in virtually all indoor environments. It is used in foam insulations, pressed wood products, carpeting, consumer paper such as grocery bags, waxed papers, facial tissues, paper towels and even permanent-press clothes.

Not surprisingly, NASA scientists have come up with an aesthetically pleasing and simple solution. A two year study revealed house plants to be beneficial in absorbing potentially harmful gases and purify indoor air. Don’t be sucked into all the “going green hype,” not every plant is an air purifier.

Below are the ten plants tested and proven by NASA to remove chemical vapors from your home or office space in order of their effectiveness.

  1. All Natural Allergy Relief
    Areca Palm

    Areca Palm ranked as the top air purifying plant. This plant, dubbed “the most efficient air humidifier”, can literally replace the need for electric humidifiers altogether. It has been proven to keep the home or office moist even during dry times and continuously removes chemical toxins from the air.

  2. Lady Palm achieved the same high score for its humidifying and air cleaning effectiveness, as well as being resistant to most types of plant insects.
  3. Bamboo Palm scored just a notch below the two top air purifying palms. The Bamboo palm thrives when kept moist (but not wet) in indirect sunlight.
  4. Rubber Plant was fourth on NASA’s scoring scale. This plant particularly excels at removing formaldehyde and requires less light than its counterparts. (Note: Rubber plant leaves can be toxic if ingested by pets or children)
  5. Dracaena also called “Janet Craig” will start purifying the air as soon as it is brought into a room.
  6. English Ivy has been called “a fix for allergies“. It has been acclaimed for eliminating 60% of airborne mold in a room in just 6 hours. Allergy and asthma suffers would do well to give English ivy a try!
  7. Date Palm Tree, while not as effective as its other palm cousins, is still very effective in lowering the concentration of chemical toxins floating around in the air.
  8. Ficus Alii is not as potent in its toxin-removing prowess, but still came in 8th on NASA’s list of air cleaners.
  9. Boston Fern has been called the “most efficient filtering plant” for its time-tested ability to expel mold and toxins from indoor air.
  10. Peace Lilly rounds out NASA’s list. Keep this beautiful indoor air toxin killer healthy with plenty of water and modest amount of sunlight.

Once again nature has come to our rescue! Select one or several of these plants for your home or office space and put their air cleaning prowess to the test.

Another all natural allergy relief solution? Nozin® Allergy Master® nasal spray – no drowsiness, no steroids and safe for the whole family!

Original article and pictures take nozinblog.com site

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