Houseplants are muy important for purifying the air in your home, which as most of us are now aware is more toxic than the air outdoors. Have no clue what I'm referring to? Dr. Axe will tell you all about it. One of the easiest ways we can improve air quality in our homes is by having plants around! But I understand your struggle is real. My name is Brit. My heart is green, but my thumb is black.
The above picture is my parent's backyard. They once got me a cactus for a housewarming present in 2007. It was dead within a week. I always took this as a sign I probably shouldn't procreate. So, just in case you thought I might know what I'm doing, you are wrong. When I tell you that there are indoor plants that you can keep alive it's true. And you're gonna believe it. And you're gonna have some houseplants by the end of this blog. When I started focusing on reducing toxins in my environment, I got very interested in indoor plants.
Scientific sidetone: In the 1980s, NASA did a widely publicized study on which plants were best for air purification to use in space stations. They were interested in the plant's ability to not only produce oxygen from CO2, but to remove three common indoor pollutants: VOCs benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene. Well, you'll be happy to know that two of the best ones were English Ivy and Apothos - both of which are on this list of super easy to grow indoor plants!

English Ivy: These are cute little starter vines my mom gave me because her ivy is out of control!!! These take low, indirect light and water to keep soil moist, but not waterlogged. Extremely low maintenance and amazing for air purification - especially for molds and contaminants from animals! Just cut off the ends when it gets too long because it will! Eliminates: benzene, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene.
Apothos: These come in all different varieties and colors. Also one of the #1 air-purifying plants in the world. Of all the plants, I would say this is the EASIEST to grow, hands down. As you can see above, I have this in my bedroom where I have blackout blinds covering the windows almost all the time. Once in a while, I'm like, "Oh, maybe that wants some light?" And I open the blinds.... it hardly needs any maintenance. I water maybe once every two weeks. And you can easily see when it needs water, the leaves will get a bit yellow or wilty. Water, and it perks right back! The vines will drape down and just clip them to the length you like!
Ficus: Ah the favorite fake plant of doctor's offices and grandma's houses everywhere! So, I just got this a month ago. I've been wanting a tree of some sort for my dining room corner - preferably a Fiddle Leaf Fig, but they are nowhere to be found where I live. I finally saw this cute little Ficus, and had just heard that they were easy to grow. So I snagged that bad boy up, strapped it in the passenger side of my '99 Saturn, and we rode off into the Midwestern sunset. The like indirect light, not too much water, and no drafty areas. Which means, I probably need to move it away from the vent that is right underneath it. Whoops.
Dracaena: As my mom always says, "That just looks like a pineapple." Well, as I was researching it for this post I discovered it is, in fact, dubbed the "pineapple plant." I one up in my loft office with no windows - it does get indirect light from the living room below. I hardly EVER water this. It is the ultimate easy to grow indoor plant.

Jade: This is technically a succulent - so it needs even less water than the rest of these. It's a slower growing, but gorgeous plant! Set it in a sunny window area and you are good to go. DO NOT overwater. I probably water it about every 2-3 weeks.
May your air be clean and the odds ever be in your favor!
Wondering who's the mysterious wordy genius behind these posts? Follow this little rabbit trail to read more About Me! The use of the term genius is open to interpretation.
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